Friday, 5 May 2017

Integrity Games

This year Kahikatea team did integrity games. We were in a group of 10 people from rata team. 4 of us were from Kahikatea team. We were the ones that led it. Thomas and I were buddies this is our plan. They were good and bad.

Title;  Silent ball

Equipment  1 Dodge ball.

Area   Any.

Formations grouping 10 children.


  1. Sit down in circle .
  2. Spread your legs apart.
  3. You roll the ball to each other.
  4. Be quiet when playing the game.
  5. If it was a bad roll then the person that rolled it  is out.

  1. Then Thomas will throw the ball you have to  catch it.

Variations . then it will turn to hot potato  max 4 round
that is our game


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your group created an exciting game for Rata Team children to learn. Kids of all ages enjoy dodge ball. You worked well together and showed integrity with the way you approached this activity. Well done.

  3. nice picture and nice games your group was nice to the kids

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good integrally game.
