Friday, 5 May 2017

Integrity Games

This year Kahikatea team did integrity games. We were in a group of 10 people from rata team. 4 of us were from Kahikatea team. We were the ones that led it. Thomas and I were buddies this is our plan. They were good and bad.

Title;  Silent ball

Equipment  1 Dodge ball.

Area   Any.

Formations grouping 10 children.


  1. Sit down in circle .
  2. Spread your legs apart.
  3. You roll the ball to each other.
  4. Be quiet when playing the game.
  5. If it was a bad roll then the person that rolled it  is out.

  1. Then Thomas will throw the ball you have to  catch it.

Variations . then it will turn to hot potato  max 4 round
that is our game