Joshua S @ Pirongia School
I am a student at Pirongia School in Pirongia, New Zealand. I am in Room 9 and my teacher is Mrs Strathern.
Thursday, 2 November 2017
Friday, 18 August 2017
The surgeon amputates my arms and legs
Bang! Like a tree hitting solid earth, I get stacked onto the disgraceful monster.I am sprinting towards death.Quickly shredding apart,My body bursts out like sawdust off a chainsaw. I hit the ground. I am no use now.
Friday, 23 June 2017
Government should be doing more to stop smoking
Smoking in New Zealand kills more people each year thang other things such as road crashes, alcohol, drugs, suicide, murder, drowning,and earthquakes.
The reason why people start smoking is your friends might be forcing you to smoke because they do it and sometimes people think that smoking is cool and also your parents might smoke and people have the money to buy them as well as not having smoking places like at home or school.
The age of people starting
Have you ever wondered what age do people start smoking well according to research research says that people at the age of 14 years 8 months. Maori adults have the highest smoking rates at Thirty Eight Point seven percent smoking has been decreasing since 2007 it is now a 40% that is a good sign already. Overall men are smoking more than women at 18% the smoking rates in New Zealand have dropped from 25% to 17% from 1996 to 2015.
Maori woman in the highest smoking rates at 42% if a woman smokes during pregnancy it is more likely for her baby to die unexpectedly (sudi) 86%. Compared to women who don't smoke 14%.
So are you going to think twice before you take a cigarette.
Friday, 9 June 2017
Treatyof waitangi.
The Treaty of Waitangi by Josh S.
This is the Treaty of Waitangi by Josh, Thomas and Marcus.
In Term One we went round the village to gather information we went to the museum.
This is the Treaty of Waitangi by Josh, Thomas and Marcus.
In Term One we went round the village to gather information we went to the museum.
Tuesday, 6 June 2017
coulor poem
Yellow by Josh Shaw
Yellow is the colour of the rising sun.
Yellow is the colour of thoughtfulness
Yellow is the colour of a good job.
It is the dryness of the grass.
Yellow is the Meaning of glory in our writing .
Yellow is the Meaning of glory in our writing .
It is the dryness of the grass.
Yellow is the pedals on a sunflower.
Yellow is the colour of the golden rules.
Yellow is the wrapper of the crunchie bar packet
Yellow is the colour of a lemon
Friday, 5 May 2017
Integrity Games
This year Kahikatea team did integrity games. We were in a group of 10 people from rata team. 4 of us were from Kahikatea team. We were the ones that led it. Thomas and I were buddies this is our plan. They were good and bad.
Title; Silent ball
that is our game
Title; Silent ball
Equipment 1 Dodge ball.
Area Any.
Formations grouping 10 children.
- Sit down in circle .
- Spread your legs apart.
- You roll the ball to each other.
- Be quiet when playing the game.
- If it was a bad roll then the person that rolled it is out.
- Then Thomas will throw the ball you have to catch it.
Variations . then it will turn to hot potato max 4 round

Friday, 7 April 2017
Learning confrence
Josh's learning confrence 201josh's learning confrence7.this year term 1 we did our learning confrence
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
billy goats gruff
billy goats gruff
Once upon a time there was three goats Jeff guss and the oldest won Billy. On one sunny day the 3 goats decided to go for a walk suddenly they came to and end “watch out’’ said Jeff scared thanks Jeff. They slowly line up and cross the bridge. Suddenly a voice comes out from under our feet who stepping on my bridge. They jump hehe.They back
Up tell me your name i am billy the oldest one i am and this is jeff the last one you guys are scruffy today who me that’s right.I don’t care. Well what are you guys doing anyway nothing really we were just of to get get a munch of the juicy grass and go down to that lake over there you see c'mon guys why he’s not looking i don't hey where are they “comeback”.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Response to james and the giant peach By ROALD DAHL
1. Aunt Spiker is like an old strict teacher like back in the old days .
2 . Spikers words are as mean as a diamanda throwing a tantrum .
3 . Her words were as striked as a bit of grass flattened by a gumboot .
4 . Her face was as ugly as a slug .
5 . She was as skinny as a bit of theed .
6 . She was as nasty as a ape .
7 . Aunt spung was as fat as a elophant .
my marie trip
My maraie trip story on one thursday morning kahikatea team went to pu rerikreki just
road from actionatomotive . When we arrived at the marai we watted for
Pipi/Hami /and the owner to unlock the marai. while we watted we played a game called starlight midnight. Then there were two Groups one Group had been there so they did,nt
need to be welcomed. On to the marae but the other group hadn't been there before .
finally they went into the marai . But the rest of them had to wait to be welcomed on to the marai. Then whaea kathie welcomed us on to the marai then we had to sing pirongia tau tat
maunga first the people that had been sung the song first. Then the people arrived at the marai
then it was our turn to sing the song then. We all said hello to all of them then we got out our
lunch boxes and put them on the bench for lunch. Then we started doing the weaving /calving the singing or else helping with the food or drinks. And then it was morning tea time we had about 10 to 15 minutes of play time. But we had a fun time at morning tea then we had to swap .then i went to the singing group for the day 1 but i got good at it and got the hang of it so well then it was lunch time it was a good lunch time we had at least twenty to half an hour play Time mr gemel played soccer with us it was really fun in the afternoon then it was potluck dinner which is a shared Dinner we stayed up until 6 pm that is is when Pipi/ and Hamie left home to the other side of Hamilton once they left we all had to have to do our teeth then some people helped with tacking the tables putting them outside so the adults can get to sleep they were Lucky because they got cummfy ground matrices but I would call it concret then the boys got wood no air conditioner . Inside but the girls got aircondition I said that is unfair then in the morning. I had wetbix 3 bits it was yum!!!!!
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