Government should be doing more to stop smoking
Smoking in New Zealand kills more people each year thang other things such as road crashes, alcohol, drugs, suicide, murder, drowning,and earthquakes.
The reason why people start smoking is your friends might be forcing you to smoke because they do it and sometimes people think that smoking is cool and also your parents might smoke and people have the money to buy them as well as not having smoking places like at home or school.
The age of people starting
Have you ever wondered what age do people start smoking well according to research research says that people at the age of 14 years 8 months. Maori adults have the highest smoking rates at Thirty Eight Point seven percent smoking has been decreasing since 2007 it is now a 40% that is a good sign already. Overall men are smoking more than women at 18% the smoking rates in New Zealand have dropped from 25% to 17% from 1996 to 2015.
Maori woman in the highest smoking rates at 42% if a woman smokes during pregnancy it is more likely for her baby to die unexpectedly (sudi) 86%. Compared to women who don't smoke 14%.
So are you going to think twice before you take a cigarette.