Thursday, 7 July 2016


this year we have been doing Mihis this is me speaking I hope you  enjoy it

Enviro day with room nine and five

this year for enviro days we have been doing  water planting Herbs and saw how we could fix these boring Gardens and maybe plant them and make each house have a planting box

So back to term 1 first we discused what  we can do to stop watter from Getting wasted  then we walked all around the  school and figure out how we store water  and one of my places where in the guters and in the taps as well as the pool witch that holds about 500 leters witch is heaps so do you see why we need to look after?

term 2 this term we have been looking at how we can re plant rosmary sage  thime and heaps heaps more  so can you think of some ways we can re plant diffrent typs of ways you can plant think of some stuff and put it on comment I will see you soon

Wednesday, 6 July 2016


                             this term for inquiry I have been doing  science  and my science Question was why are their diffrent planets apart from earth and is their life on them and my answer was no  there  isnt't

this me saying my science Question  I  hope you enjoy this by Josh shaw

Do you think that hunting should be prohibited

DO you think that hunting should be prohibited

Imagine this ...walking  all around the world and no wonderful speceis  that would be bad and killing animals  kills our  nature  Imagine having no eliphants or Rinorases because they have been  killed for tusks

Do you think hunting should be banned?

Did you know that the hunted animal can be chased  long distances while the hunted animal is being moved away from its habitat. Its not only guns that kill the animal . Most of these animals are herd animals  so when they are  not in there herd they can die cuiet Quickly

Do you think thatthere is any need to harm animals as a blood sport

Monday, 4 July 2016

inquiry video

                          hi my name is josh  and I am going to talk to you about my  inquiry   video

inquiry video term 2

                                     hi my name is josh and I am going to tell